Foto de Ridel - Teléfono de Mariana

“I said yes without a doubt”

The neighborhood’s doctor came to our house and asked us if we wanted to take part in the clinical trial of “Soberana 02″. We agreed. Four days after we visited the doctor’s office to have a health check. They controlled our blood pressure and our weight, we had a rapid Covid test done and they asked us about our medical records”, said Ridel Rivero Martinez, truck driver at TC Mariel, resident of Diez de Octubre, La Habana.

The next day my son and wife were inoculated, as they don’t suffer from any pre-existing desease. Because of being an hypertensive patient I was part of another group, and I got the first dose three days after, on March 15th; the second dose will be on the 12th of April and the next one, on the 10th of may. I say yes without a doubt because I am father of three children, and they must be the priority. Now, we must wait and keep being careful”.