
Nine years and we are going for more

The creation of the group of amateur artists from TC Mariel was one of the achievements we had in 2022, it was also a year marked by the impulse and growth; spirit with which we receive the ninth anniversary of the Container Terminal.

In January we were awarded with the 65th anniversary stamp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, awarded by the company Almacenes Universales.

Later on, and thanks to the restoration of the railway lines that connect the Terminal with the Santa Cruz Rum Factory, we received the first formation of 28 tankers of Havana Club rum, destined for export and the Cuban foreign trade.

The railway yard witnessed the awarding of the Labor Prowess flag, the highest distinction conferred by the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba to productive centers and labor collectives whose actions stand out in the country.

Likewise, in the same year the scanner was inaugurated in its new premise and we received the commemorative stamp for the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba.

Together with the company’s nine years of operations, we celebrated the 29th anniversary of the Almacenes Universales Company, which shares our achievements.

In 2022, 55 properties were delivered, benefiting 64 TC MARIEL workers.

In the same way, we have strengthened the link between the company and the university through different student visits carried out during the period, which are intended to complete the professional training of the students, as well as to achieve their correct familiarization with center.

We received food donations in our port with the mission of reducing the extensive damages caused by the Hurricane Ian in the western of Cuba, as well as strengthening the deficiencies presented in our electro-energy system.

TC Mariel is an example of brotherhood between two nations, two cultures, two different lifestyles, but with the same root that unites them: America, a continent full of warriors, brave, enterprising men who fight tooth and nail for a better tomorrow of light.